Very decorative gifts for teens !
Publié par  Magali Royal Art Palace   b Europe/Paris, 2025     Archives 2016    0 Commentaires
Very decorative gifts for teens !

Each teenager decoration in his room ! So find the decoration gift that will surely please your teenager will not be a mission of any rest, believe me!
And for good reason, at this precise age of life, your cherub dreams of independence. His room becomes his refuge, a place of life that resembles him 100% and where he or she spends most of his time.
Is her room rather modern or classic? The decoration rather rock'n roll or glamor? The colors rather flashy or a little too wise ? What message does your teenager want to send to those who enter her den ?
So many questions you will need to ask yourself before buying him THE gift that will stick perfectly to his personality. And to help you make the right choice we stock up on gift ideas.

In Fluo mode !

Like a stroke of Stabilo on a sheet of paper, the fluo wakes up and reveals instantly the decoration of a teenage room a little classic ! For proof, this yellow fluo dresser attracts attention to the point of eclipsing everything in the vicinity, do not you think? Add some accessories fluorescent pink, to give a boost to the set and the ride is played !

Fluo teen room with a baroque chest of drawers Louis XV style yellow fluo Royal Art Palace

LINK : Baroque chest of Louis XV style yellow fluo and black tray with 2 drawers.

All aboard for London

Here, the British style is in the spotlight. From the bench to the cushions to decorative objects and storage units, the whole room is in the colors of the English flag. Enough to boost your teen's room and can even boost his English !

London bedroom with a chest of drawers and a Louis XV style baroque banquette Royal Art Palace

LINK : Baroque chest of drawers "Union Jack" in white Louis XV style with 2 drawers; Vintage style "Union Jack" cushion; Louis XV style baroque upholstery English flag "Union Jack" and black lacquered wood; Decorative aluminum crown.

Girly chic

It is not because your little girl grows that she will abandon the colors of her childhood. The pink does not draw his curts and even spark the decor of his bedroom teen!
For this we adopt the pink fuchsia in small touches and we associate it with white or gray. In the image of this office that brings dynamism and femininity in this pretty bedroom.

Classy Girly chic room with a baroque style scriban desk Louis XV style lacquered white and fuchsia Royal Art Palace

LINK : Baroque scriban desk in Louis XV style lacquered white and fuchsia with golden ornamental bronzes.

With a seating area

Because your teenager now dreams of a room XXL way mini studio, you will have to have a sequel in ideas! The most popular solution is to sleep high up. And how to arrange the bottom, you say? Invest the underside of the mezzanine of a sofa or armchairs and poufs that will welcome his friends. You will definitely make a happy one !

Teen bedroom with baroque armchairs in Louis XV style with American flag and black wood Royal Art Palace

LINK : Louis XV style baroque armchair American flag fabric "American Flag" and black lacquered wood.

With a redesigned canopy bed

Your teen has princess tastes ? Never mind !
What if you made a four-poster bed yourself for your modern-day princess? To do this you simply have to install a sky of bed that will accomodate large curtains that you will place on both sides in order to give a majestic and romantic side to this decoration of dream. Wonderful, right ?

teen room with beige canopy skated shaped crown Royal Art Palace

LINK : Bed canopy in wood beige crown-shaped

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