Spotlight on the mirrors
Postet av  Magali Royal Art Palace   b Europe/Paris, 2025     Archives 2016    0 Kommentarer
Spotlight on the mirrors

The mirrors rival of elegance and there are many models, shapes and sizes. It is therefore appropriate to adjust each mirror to the decoration of the room that will welcome him.
Here are our tips for selecting your deco mirror and avoid missteps:

My house entrance I put a mirror up to the face.

Both aesthetic and practical, this mirror will give a nice volume to your input and allow you to take a little quick glance to your look before you leave your home.
Place the above example of a console but never facing a front door in order not to be surprised and your guests ill at ease.

Mirror placed above a console in the entrance of your home

I create a warm atmosphere in my living room with a large mirror.

The location of a mirror in a salon must be reflected.
If you want to give volume to your room or let the light, put your mirror on the section of wall opposite a window, provided the brightness is not too important.
The goal is not to dazzle you!
Play with its location but also its shape. According to its shape and where you place it, its reflection visually enlarges the space, creates a perspective and made decorative window office.
On a large wall above the sofa, install a large mirror that will brighten and give depth to your living room.

Large mirror placed above a sofa in a living room

And if I chose a mirror placed on the floor for my room?

Placed on the floor in the direction of the height and slightly inclined, this large mirror visually increase the height of your room.
You can also move it to suit your needs while taking care to reflect the favorite corners of your room.
The principle of Feng Shui, do not put it in front of the bed
The reflection of the mirror might keep you awake or sleep may be disturbed and increased your nightmares.

Mirror placed on the floor and tilted slightly in a room

If there's one room in which the mirror is indispensable is good in my bathroom !

A mirror in the bathroom is an element that is both practical and useful that allows us to comfortably prepare ourselves daily.
More of a round or square, it is often coordinated to our pond and furniture requires the presence of a light source.
Dare a different style mirror over your sink that will give character and originality to your room.

Mirror placed above a sink in a bathroom

The mirror reflects what it reflects. Be careful and check well before fixing it definitively, it will reflect the image!
Now that you know everything, create a unique wall decoration that suits you !

Spotlight on our mirror selection:

Selection mirrors

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