Style up your home with our customizable furniture
Postet av  Magali Royal Art Palace   b Europe/Paris, 2025     Archives 2016    0 Kommentarer
Style up your home with our customizable furniture

Once reserved for the luxury industry, personalization is democratized growing.
It is even a constant since the first industrial revolution that introduced standardization manufacturer in the same products in large series.
If you want to bring your touch to the decor of your home, find on our website our many customizable templates that adapt to your environment and redraw wonderful interior.

Unleash the creator in you and create now your bespoke furniture by following the steps below:

Step 1- I choose the furniture that I like

The sofa to bed headboard of the bar chair through a daybed or an armchair most of our models play the game customization.
Choose from our range of furniture and go to the next step !

Step 1 is to choose his cabinet

Step 2- I choose the color of my structure

To create the furniture that suits you, we offer the ability to customize the color of the structure of the model you selected.
Whether in natural wood or cherry wood, the paint is solid or patina, whether you prefer gold or silver leaf, your structure will look great and ready to be dressed !
To do this go to step 3.

Step 2 is to choose the color of the structure

Step 3- I choose the color and type of covering

You hesitate between red satin fabric and burgundy velvet but the elegance of black leatherette tent you well.
Take time to choose according to your interior and your personal taste.
The more creative mixer wish coatings, at Royal Art Palace possible and without additional cost.

Here // subtle blend of black leatherette and zebra print fabric.
You like ?

Step 3 is to choose the color and type of coating

To facilitate your establishment, we have thought of everything! Here is our color chart :

color swatch to customize its furniture

You're ready to create the furniture of your dreams !

If the adventure tempts you, do not hesitate to contact us by mail at the following address: or by phone at +334.687 027 13
We will be happy to tell you how to customize the template you like !

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