Spotlight on a new trendy decoration: interior glass walls
Postet av  Magali Royal Art Palace   b Europe/Paris, 2025     Archives 2016    0 Kommentarer
Spotlight on a new trendy decoration: interior glass walls

If formerly the interior glass window will posted in the workshops of artists, it is now the most popular partition of the moment !
It is the perfect alternative to divide the space without closing it. It is beautiful, It is modern.
We adopt most often for natural light it lets in a room but also for industrial cachet it can infuse its materials and design.

You need to separate the parts while retaining the light ?
Want to replace a wall by an architectural element that brings style and perspective to your interior ?
Look no further, this is an interior glass window for you !

Zoom in on the interior glass window

Between bay window and wall, this glass window all the advantages of a partition without completely close the space and prevent light from passing.
Open mid mid closed, it is an excellent solution to create an extra room or divide two spaces in one room. It separates, while allowing to keep natural light thanks to its glazed part.
The luminous flux it broadcasts significantly changes the visual perception of the room that seems so much greater.
The canopy is also ideal to showcase a high ceiling.

often we adopt to create a room within a room, up an office area, a baby space or partition wholly or partly kitchen.

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The main advantages of an interior glass

Have the possibility to partition a room while letting in light, is quite exceptional !
To isolate a room and construct a new space, while keeping an open feeling is just amazing.

If the interior glass is on the rise in recent years is because, beyond the simple arrangement of space, it is particularly attractive, providing real decorative touch to any interior.
Whether you choose with a crude steel structure or classic wooden, your glass will set the tone !
It will immediately change the whole atmosphere of your interior and bring a special touch.

Another advantage and not least, you can even customize and include a door or window, depending on the use of the room.
Wise !

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A glass wall to which style?

This is the loft trend that brought down the walls, but also that it closes spaces.
But this time, it is inspired by the artist windows that maximize the light in a space.
Generally designed metal for a very clean aesthetic, the canopy can also be made of wood for a more traditional look.
Black, we like its industrial side, while in white, it is more discreet and classic.
Contemporary loft spirit, art deco or workshop Haussmannian ... You will always find a a glass wall for your decoration !

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