Beautiful ideas to organize a nice office corner at home
Postet av  Magali Royal Art Palace   b Europe/Paris, 2025     Archives 2016    0 Kommentarer
Beautiful ideas to organize a nice office corner at home

It's time to say goodbye to long evenings in the garden, the beautiful days spent at the pool because it is soon fall ! It is time for the organization and preparation for small as for larger ones.
And for the more studious of you choosing an office is necessary.
But where to put it ? How to convert ? What kind of space for it ?
These are questions that must be considered in order to fully enjoy your office and so stay productive and motivated throughout the year.
Take notes !

A desk in a hallway

Too often neglected in decor, yet the entry proves very convenient to accommodate a small desk.
Prefer secretaries desks.
Both small and functional, they have the advantage of being close and not let it show when someone rings at your door !

Scriban desk Louis XV style marquetry and ormolu

-> Click here to discover our Scriban desk Louis XV style marquetry and ormolu bronzes

A desk in the corridor

And if you enjoy your hallway to install a flat desk ?
For this, promote a corridor wide enough to be able to flow more easily and choose a seat that you can slide under your desk to avoid cluttering the passage.
A clever idea that will allow you to exploit this wasted space !

Louis XVI style desk lacquered black with black marble

-> Click here to discover our Louis XVI style desk with black lacquered black marble

A desk under the stairs

Here is an area that deserves your attention !
Often little or not exploited, the staircase is yet below the ideal location for your office.
Practical and discreet, this location is perfect for those wishing to have a work area and not wishing to dedicate a piece to this.
The surface is optimized for maximum ingeniously occupy these unused square meters.

bureau plat de style Louis XVI avec marqueterie et bronzes dorés

-> Click here for our flat desk Louis XVI style marquetry and ormolu

A desk in the bedroom

The idea of a desk in a room divided: there are supporters and antis.
If you live in two, you will probably argue with your half to install your work area in your sleeping area!
Prefer an office in style and material in harmony with the furniture and decor of your room and always keep this space ordered not to the office takes over the room.
If despite your best efforts, your spouse is still not convinced opt for a hybrid furniture (dressing table or console) you can occasionally use as an office. Clever, no?

large Baroque desk Louis XV style black, 3 drawers, gilt bronze and black hand below

-> Click here to discover our great baroque desk Louis XV style black, 3 drawers, gilt bronze and black hand writing pad

An office inside a closet

Although it may seem surprising, the idea of hiding his office in a closet is a real trend.
Its advantages ? Your workspace will not encroach on your living and be able to invite in any room of your home.
In addition, depending on the size of the closet you can add shelves that will host your documents and your printer for example.
And once the doors closed, nothing will appear! Your office corner will be almost invisible.
What delight refractories storage!

secrétaire à cylindre de style Louis XV, 7 tiroirs avec marqueterie

-> Click here to discover our secretary Louis XV style cylinder, 7 drawers with marquetry

A pro office in a large living room

Whether you spend several hours a day behind your "home office" because you work from home, or because you simply administer the daily, have a pleasant and inspiring workspace is essential.
In your living room, it will be the heart of your home.
The ideal place to work without being away from the rest of the family. But attention to the concentration !

large Baroque desk Louis XV style white, 3 drawers, gilt bronze and black hand below

-> Click here to discover our big baroque desk Louis XV style white, 3 drawers, gilt bronze and black hand writing pad

A desk in the attic

This small space area in the attic at all to seduce.
It usually has atypical volumes and offers the opportunity to enjoy a beautiful height.
We love beamed to the ancient charm and with large skylights to let in light.
This is the perfect idea to combine decor and feature !

large Louis XV style desk in rosewood inlaid with 3 drawers

-> Click here to discover our large Louis XV style desk in rosewood marquetry with 3 drawers

Essentials of the school year

Products essential board of the school year

1- Large desk Napoleon III style direction with Boulle marquetry; 2- Decorative frame with set of 8 or 9 butterflies; 3- floor lamp first French Empire style ormolu; 4- Decorative Vane to put or fix globe with wrought iron arrow; 5- Chair of Napoleon III striped fabric and black wood style.

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