A flight of butterflies in your decoration
Postet av  Magali Royal Art Palace   b Europe/Paris, 2025     Archives 2017    0 Kommentarer
A flight of butterflies in your decoration

Colorful, subtle and fragile: the butterfly gives wings to your decoration. Symbol of the summers of our childhood, we love it for its superb colors, its multiple forms and its delicacy.
It dresses beautifully dishes or linens. It arises elegantly on the floor, wallpaper and even under bell in the spirit of a cabinet of curiosities. It is at the same time the expression of the ephemeral, the power of life and its extreme fragility.
What if we go to the butterfly hunt together ?

Under glass dome, otherwise nothing

Star of the curiosities cabinets, butterflies under globe make their show. As enclosed in a bubble, these pretty little beasts elegantly staged will bring a bit of poetry and lightness in all interiors.

Butterflies blue "Morpho Menalaus" presented under glass dome Royal Art Palace

Click here to discover our magnificent blue butterflies under glass dome

And why not under framework ?

Everything is possible when it comes to suggesting this precious atmosphere inspired by cabinets of curiosities. The proof, you find these same sumptuous lepidopteres beautifully exposed under frames. A deco trend that no one can escape !

Butterflies under frames Royal Art Palace

Click here to discover our selection of butterflies under frames

A beautiful flight

Light and free as air, butterflies take off to move on the walls and floor of our homes. They invest our interiors with a beating of wings and the result is full of life.

I like the idea of brightening a wall with a multitude of embossed butterflies. A simple and fast decoration that one can realize oneself with a very small budget! For the less manual ones among you, there are in the trade of stickers, wallpaper and even tiling with the effigy of these sublime insects with 4 wings.

Wall composition of butterflies and baroque sofa Napoleon III mauve velvet and silver wood Royal Art Palace

Click here to discover our sumptuous baroque sofa Napoleon III

Under all seams

Decorating linens, dishes or decorative objects, the butterflies enchant our decoration from the entrance to the room through the bathroom and the kitchen. Printed on a cushion, on a salad bowl or in a decorative mirror, the tendency "butterflies" multiply at leisure to blend into the decor. Far from being imposing, it brings a delicate and poetic note to our interior decoration.

Cushions "postcard" with decoration printed in green tones, floral motifs and butterflies Royal Art Palace

Click here to discover all our floral and butterfly cushions

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