A decoration that is worth gold
Postet av  Julien Royal Art Palace   b Europe/Paris, 2025     Archives 2017    0 Kommentarer
A decoration that is worth gold

Like a jewel that cultivates its rarity and mingles with the daily life to give it a taste of extraordinary, the golden color has a strong symbolism. And at Royal Art Palace, we love this color! But why, you say? Simply because the walleye warms the heart and the mind. One feels safe in a gilded universe, perhaps because it brings us back to material ease.

How to put golden touches in its decoration? With what colors can we associate it?
In this article, I will give you the keys to integrate it wisely into your present decoration. Be attentive to what follows, your decor will go out of the ordinary!

Bring gold into your home decoration

A little, a lot, passionately, madly ...? I will say in small touches.
Even if the golden color has incredible powers, it is in detail that it will reveal its value ! Its use must therefore be dosed sparingly so as not to cause too glittering a rendering.

The gold invites in all the rooms of the house: from the room to the bathroom through the living room, the office and even the kitchen. Furnishings and decorative objects adorn themselves with gold to bring a warm, bright and sophisticated note to your interior.
But beware, gold is to be handled with care. All mixtures do not match: some magnify it, others temper its brilliance or make it tumble in too much.

Bring the gold in your decor with the half-moon console and its mirror as well as the glass chandelier Royal Art Palace

Discover our half-moon console with mirror in baroque style gilded wood and black marble, our large chandelier in bronze and glass and our armchairs Louis XVI style zebra and black wood

Console: https://www.royalartpalace.com/en/baroque-console/1516-half-round-console-mirror-baroque-gilt-wood-black-marble.html

Chandelier: https://www.royalartpalace.com/en/chandeliers/1223-large-bronze-chandelier-glass-16-arms.html

Armchairs: https://www.royalartpalace.com/fr/meubles-baroque/1636-fauteuil-baroque-de-style-louis-xvi-zebre-et-bois-noir.html

With which colors to associate it?

By its brilliant appearance, the walleye can vampire the other colors if these are not sufficiently affirmed. One therefore tends to marry the walleye with frank colors.
Would there be any other possible combinations? Zoom on combinations of color as harmonious as brilliant!

* If you associate gray, black or white with gold, you are sure not to bad taste. These three neutral colors blend perfectly between them for a very elegant look.

Gold + Black + Gray = Chic and trendy color combination

Napoleon III oval mirror with glazing beads Royal Art Palace

Click here to discover our Napoleon III oval mirror with glazing beads

Golden + White + Gray = Elegant and modern color wedding

Louis XV white baroque dresser with 2 drawers and gilded bronzes Royal Art Palace

Click here to discover our white Louis XV style baroque chest of drawers with 2 drawers and gilded bronzes

* If you like red and burgundy, know that they match perfectly with walleye. These two colors have the power to warm up at once, a single atmosphere of a room! Combine them with a cool color like light blue and you will get a harmonious set to wish.

Gilded + Burgundy + Light Blue = Association of harmonious color and a bit theatrical

Bergère Louis XV style red satin and gilded wood Royal Art Palace

Click here to discover our bergère Louis XV style red satin and gilded wood

* The combination of pink, gold, black and white is daring but works especially well. The golden keys illuminate, the pink energizes while the duo black & white is in the air of time. A mix that gives pep's has a decor that would be rather classic.

Gilded + Pink + Black & White = Daring and dynamic color mix

Louis XV style baroque bench pink velvet and gilded wood Royal Art Palace

Click here to discover our Louis XV style baroque bench pink velvet and gilded wood

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