6 tips for organizing dressing room
Postet av  Julien Royal Art Palace   b Europe/Paris, 2025     Archives 2017    0 Kommentarer
6 tips for organizing dressing room

If you are also victim of the "I have nothing to put me" every morning while your cupboards overflow of clothes, this article is written for you!
But before you laugh in front of your dressing room, you will have to discipline yourself: exit the skirt too small, the pants too large or the tee-shirt washed. More time to lose, we put immediately storage!

Tip # 1: Sort, give, throw

You remember that dress that fell like a glove in the store, and like a bag at home? This jean that suited you perfectly 5 years ago and which will go you may be next year? There is also this top that flatters your best friend and yet serves your silhouette?
Surprising as it may seem: all these rooms are still in your wardrobe. A serious sorting is required!

No "it will not serve you may be a day", believe me! We take courage with both hands and we sort it out.
First, separate your clothes into several piles:
- 1 / collect all your used clothes: stained dresses, pullovers, damaged heels ... they will no longer serve you. Place them in containers provided for this purpose, placed next to your town hall, in supermarkets or in your waste collection center.
- 2 / make a pile of clothes too large, too small or no longer to your liking. You can sell them in a dressing room or give them to associations.
- 3 / lastly, make a last stack with all the recent pieces and that you carry regularly.

This being done, let's move on to the next step.

Sort your clothes to organize your dressing room

Tip # 2: Arrange according to the season

Tell me what are your beach dresses in the middle of your scarves when we're still in winter? I'm sure they will not be angry if you lock them up in a big box to the attic, waiting for the sun to come.

You will also avoid the daily depression you experience when looking for your cozy sweater, you come face to face with your little naked backs that cruelly reminds you of your summers in the South of France.
So we avoid getting hurt, we separate now summer and winter clothes!

Storing your clothes to organize your dressing room

Tip # 3: Group by theme

I strongly advise you to group your clothes by category. So you'll quickly get an idea of ​​the clothes you can marry together. So we put the tee-shirts together, the jeans together ... The neat ones of you can even push the vice further and classify them by color this will make you may save time in the morning.

If some clothes lend themselves more to being folded on a shelf like T-shirts and sweaters, others should be stowed on hangers like shirts, pants, dresses. Besides, I would like to say this in case: "one does not put his sweaters on hangers at the risk of distorting them"!

So in the front line of your dressing should appear the clothes you wear most often. You will have more chance to put them! From a practical point of view, I advise against the piles of clothes too high. We all know the story, we always want to wear the last of the pile! And there patatras, we find ourselves with a pile of clothes on the floor that we do not have time to pick up.
Verdict: in less time than it is necessary, it is again the bazaar in your dressing room !

 To group your clothes by theme to organize your dressing room

Tip # 4: Treat yourself to pretty boxes

Large or small, transparent or colored, there is a wide choice of boxes that will adapt to your tastes and your desires. Ideal for storing your belts, scarves, tights and socks, they will be the charm of your dressing room.

In order to be able to find each other easily, you can either paste small labels on each of them indicating the treasures hidden in them or assign a box color to each accessory (white for belts, orange for scarves, Black for tights, for example).

If you do not have a suitable storage for your shoes, the transparent boxes are ideal: a quick look and the desired model is found! Otherwise, take out the camera, heat the printer and stick the pictures of all your shoes on pretty opaque boxes.
Clever, right ?

Nice boxes to organize her dressing room

Tip # 5: Provide a seating

Throwing some clothes in a standing position is not always easy, which is why it is important that you plan to install a seat in your dressing room. This can be a small stool or a chair. The large spaces can even accommodate a bench, placed in the middle of the dressing room, it will allow you to prepare in the best conditions.

Do not take advantage of it to abandon your clothes of the day! A valet will be more suitable for this use. The watchword for a beautiful dressing is STORAGE, think about it!

Provide a seat in her dressing room

Tip # 6: Think Lighting

For your dressing room to be at the top, all you need is a suitable lighting.
I offer 3 possibilities at cannon prices, free to you to choose the one that suits you best:

- LED spotlights, simple to install, they have a strong radiation illumination. Choose a battery-powered model for a low price.

- The light rods, very fine, they settle where you want and have the very big advantage of not taking up space. Battery sticks occupy a little more space but are easier to install because they do not require any connection.

- Detection lighting, there are several sorts, with batteries or connections It is enough to enter so that everything lights up. This is the height of the luxury of dressing lighting!

Properly illuminate dressing room

Men's Dressing Vs. Women's Dressing

Dressing room with flat bench, ceiling lamp, carpet and shoehorn Royal Art Palace

Click below to discover:
our flat bench https://www.royalartpalace.com/en/home/1115-flat-bench-paded-burgundy-gold-wood.html

our ceiling lamp https://www.royalartpalace.com/en/ceiling-lights/1650-ceiling-lamp-bronze-crystal-pendants.html

our carpet https://www.royalartpalace.com/en/home/1507-cowhide-carpet-beige.html

our shoe hanger https://www.royalartpalace.com/en/decoration/992-shoehorn-large-aluminum-head-ibex.html

Women's dressing room with rococo armchair, baroque bench, chandelier and showcase Royal Art Palace

Click below to discover:
- our armchair: https://www.royalartpalace.com/en/baroque-furniture/591-baroque-rococo-armchair-black-velvet-silver-wood.html

- Our bench https://www.royalartpalace.com/en/bench-baroque-louis-xv-style/400-baroque-bench-louis-xv-black-silvered-wood.html

- our display cabinet https://www.royalartpalace.com/en/baroque-furniture/876-baroque-display-cabinet-black-shiny-bronze-silver.html

- our chandelier https://www.royalartpalace.com/en/chandeliers/1175-ball-chandelier-clear-glass-bronze-silvered.html

The dressing list

dressing list Royal Art Palace

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