The decoration in a boudoir's spirit
Postet av  Julien Royal Art Palace   b Europe/Paris, 2025    6 Kommentarer
The decoration in a boudoir's spirit

During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the boudoir was a small elegant salon reserved for the mistress of the house, in which she could retire to write, read or receive her guests in complete privacy. Decorated for women and women, the boudoir style is typically feminine!

Today, boudoir-style decoration is inspired by the attractions of the past by reinterpreting them in a more contemporary way. The principle is to create a space for you ladies that draws inspiration from this atmosphere at once sweet and elegant.

Here are some tricks to create your beautiful boudoir and transform it into an enchanting place, with delicate and refined decoration.

Women's colors

The decoration boudoir version will necessarily bring a soft and feminine note to the whole of your room. Thus, the colors with feminine connotation will predominate and the floral motifs will find a place of choice in this decoration. The exclusivity is therefore given to shimmering or powdered tones, such as aubergine color, sky blue or pink.

If your wish is to create a warm and bright atmosphere, combine the taupe color with a powdered pink. On the other hand, if you want your piece to be more intimate and cozy, opt for black and an aubergine color.
You can also combine neutral colors such as white and beige with a more acidic color (fuchsia, bordeaux, violet ...). In this case, bring the color sparingly, via accessories, on some pieces of furniture or choose a wallpaper with floral motifs that you will place on a wall only.

Feminine colors for a decoration in mind boudoir

Click below to discover:
- Our baroque armchair in Louis XVI style

- Our in Louis Philippe style silver mirror

Noble materials

On the textile side, opt for delicate and silky fabrics such as velvet, chiffon, satin, silk or lace, which will bring softness and pleasure to your decoration. So choose your linen in these materials and with embroidery and frills, please!

As for materials, ceramics, porcelain, wrought iron and of course wood will be retained for their nobility and elegance. Glass will also find its place in this cozy and refined decoration, thanks to its strong luminous power.

Noble materials for decoration in "boudoir spirit"

Click below to discover:
- Our baroque Napoleon III style sofa

- Our very large baroque oval mirror

- Our baroque night table

Charming furniture

You will understand, the decoration of style boudoir is ultra feminine. And because the delicate touches the refinement, furniture side we crack for furniture of old style with feminine curves and rounded shapes.

To create a cozy space in your living room or in your room, opt for a day bed. This famous chaise longue that used to take a nap in the boudoirs will bring a real cachet to your room and will offer you a comfortable place to rest.

If you want to sublimate a room with boudoir decoration, bet everything on a padded headboard. With its voluptuous shapes and glamorous braces, it will be the star of your bedroom. But every self-respecting boudoir also includes a dressing table where jewelry, perfume bottles and other delicate objects are carefully presented.

In a living room, you will rather choose a console or a secretary, very useful at the time to hide the secret correspondences.

Charming furniture for a decoration with "spirit boudoir"

Click below to discover:
- Our large baroque chaise longue

- Our baroque headboard

- Our large chandelier in bronze and glass

Soft lighting

To make your space a cozy place, favor a soft and subdued light. For this, multiply the sources of lights, which you will disperse harmoniously in various places in order to create an intimate atmosphere.

Think of installing a floor lamp with a nice lampshade in the main color of your room, some scented candles and a beautiful baroque chandelier with bright pendants that will magnify the room.

Soft lighting for a decoration in mind boudoir

Click below to discover:

- Our silver bronze ball chandelier

- Our very large baroque oval vertical mirror

A touch of romance

Now that the hardest thing is done, all you have to do is blow a wind of romanticism on this pretty boudoir.
To achieve this, it is very simple. Simply compose a small bouquet with the fresh flowers of the garden, which you will dispose nicely in a vase. Do not hesitate also to use the flowers as patterns on your linens for example. Your decoration will be, sure, of the most beautiful effect !

A touch of romanticism for a decoration with "boudoir spirit"

Click below to discover:
- Our Louis XV style armchair

- Our Louis XVI style candle holder

6 Kommentarer

    • Avatar
      b Europe/Paris, 2017

      bjr, je suis admirative de votre catalogue,je vs ai decouvert sur facebook c\'est mon style !!!J\'ai hate de pouvoir changer ma deco.......FELICITATIONS s\'imposent!!

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        b Europe/Paris, 2017

        Bonjour, Merci pour votre message d'encouragement, cela nous touche énormément. Nous sommes à votre écoute si besoin. Belle journée. Cordialement. Magali

    • Avatar
      b Europe/Paris, 2017

      Très beau travail , je souhaite voir plus d'articles avez vous un catalogue, merci. Mon adresse Patricia

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        b Europe/Paris, 2017

        Bonjour Patricia, Nous sommes heureux de savoir que nos articles vous plaisent. Nous n'avons pas de catalogue papier mais toutes nos références sont sur notre site internet. Nous le mettons à jour régulièrement pour vous offrir toujours plus de choix. Sachez que vous pouvez vous inscrire à notre newsletter pour recevoir des informations sur notre marque, nos produits et les nouveautés du moment. Nous restons à votre disposition. Cordialement. Magali

    • Avatar
      b Europe/Paris, 2017

      Bonjour Patricia, Nous sommes heureux de savoir que nos articles vous plaisent. Nous n'avons pas de catalogue papier mais toutes nos références sont sur notre site internet. Nous le mettons à jour régulièrement pour vous offrir toujours plus de choix. Sachez que vous pouvez vous inscrire à notre newsletter pour recevoir des informations sur notre marque, nos produits et les nouveautés du moment.nNous restons à votre disposition. Cordialement. Magali

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      Fred Dawson
      b Europe/Paris, 2018

      Отличная статья - это действительно информативный и инновационный материал,который мы публикуем с новыми обновлениями.это было действительно ценно.спасибо большое.kопии часов очень хорошие.\n

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