And if you let enter animals into your decoration ?
Postet av  Magali Royal Art Palace   b Europe/Paris, 2025     Archives 2015    0 Kommentarer
And if you let enter animals into your decoration ?

The animals are in the spotlight and this time they invite into our homes to bring the character and sometimes a more playful side to our decor.

Exit the classic hunting trophy "animal" is meant to become more glamorous and more fun.

Whether in the form of statuettes, trophies or printed, our friends the animals are everywhere and we always attractive.
And you, are you going to succumb to this trend ?

scene furniture and animals

In the house, all animals are welcome !

If farm animals evoke the return to nature, wild animals will transport us in distant lands while pets continue to warm our hearts but also our homes.

The animals in my decoration

1Cushion "Printed with bird" red and beige 40 x 40 cm 22,00€ Each ; 2- Cat on wooden support with bark rope and bow 23,00€ ; 3- Towel holder bull-headed cast iron 44,00€ ; 4- Aluminum trophy wall decoration "Deer head" 61,90€ ; 5- Shark Bulldog naturalized on metal stand 369,00€ ; 6- Coat rack, towel or cloth, aluminum "Ibex" 19,00€ ; 7- Set of 3 decorative glass globes with butterflies 244,90€.

Animals are also revisited design object for a very quadratic trend, funny and whimsical.

Thus, they parent flashy colors and are made of contemporary materials such as aluminum or resin.
Lagged effect guaranteed !

 Metal objects or resin
Decorate with the "animal" by touch or bet on the total look quirky but mostly dare and have fun creating the universe that makes you dream !

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