Winter in a mountain lodge atmosphere
Postet av  Magali Royal Art Palace   b Europe/Paris, 2025     Archives 2015    0 Kommentarer
Winter in a mountain lodge atmosphere

It's official, the snow and cold weather fast approaching ...

To face winter temperatures outside, we create a cozy nest inside.
And for softness and warmth nestle in your household, go for a mountain lodge atmosphere !

scene chalet atmosphere

3,2,1 ... Here we go !

Of course, there is no question of turning your home into a real mountain lodge !
Just bring a little warmth to your decor and crazy for pleasant and comforting materials, soft and comfy fabrics.

Take your sights on a plaid fleece, an animal skin and place on the floor or the furniture dressed real cow leather which necessarily bring much style to your home.

banner decoration mountain chalet

Side prefer color taupe, beige, off-white.
Add by following thereby a red tip and think about the small rustic tiles for indoor lumberjack in mind !

visual table and small tiles curtains

On your walls too can bring your Alpine touch by hanging a deer head, deer horns, a decorative wooden sled or a pair of skis.

A sprig of mountain madness...

And just to make a mountain strand in your cocoon, think small decorative objects.
Create a cozy and subdued atmosphere with candles, candle holders and lanterns, put faux fur cushions on your couch, get warm under your blanket and bouquinez quietly.

Both warm and friendly, the decor fits many rooms of the house, the living room through the bedroom, kitchen or office, you will not want to put your nose out !

Discover now essential for a mountain chalet atmosphere :

mountain lodge spirit

1- Armchair tubular stainless steel design with cowhide 1349,00€ ; 2- Table lamp with real staghor 399,00€ ; 3- Candleholder in white metal and glass, with flowers 23,00€ ; 4- Cooking apron Vintage style "Matterhorn Embroidered" 23,90€ ; 5- Pair of skis with ski poles decorative old style 74,90€ ; 6- Heart to suspend real cowhide 9,50€

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